Playful learning

In your uterus your baby had sips of the amniotic fluid. This created a clear preference for a sweet taste. After birth, your baby will drink exclusively milk during the first four months. Up to 18 months, your baby will probably eat almost everything that you offer to him. After that he will likely be much more selective, so try to let him taste everything at least 5 times. Chances are he's going to get used to it.
Taste and smell are inseparable connected. Your baby will probably like the smell of a sweet banana better than the smell of a piece of fish. From day one the sense of smell of your baby is already highly developed. This helps him to perfectly recognize the smell of his mother. They are also fond of the smell of their favorite teddy bear and by washing it you will remove this fine, familiar smell. Unfortunately you have to wash it occasionally because of hygiene, but if it was up to your little one his teddy bear would never get washed.
Research has shown that (classical) music has a positive effect on the brains of a baby. Babies love music and are capable from birth to distinguish between pitch and volume. So put on a nice quiet music, sing to your baby or choose a box mobile that plays pleasant music. There are beautiful mobiles for sale that play tunes of famous classical composers such as Bach or Mozart.
Physical contact is essential for your baby; their weight will increase faster, their brains will develop better and he will sleep better. A few times a week take the time to massage your baby with a fine oil after a relaxing bath. A course in baby massage is definitely recommended. Furthermore your child also loves to grab everything and feel the different textures and materials.
When a baby is born, their vision is still blurry. They can hardly distinguish contrasts and respond mainly to black and white patterns. The higher the contrast, the better they can see. After six months your baby can distinguish color and detail well. From this moment he will start his exploration and discover everything that they can see.
Adjust the toys to the age of your child. When your child is 3 months old then he can hold a rattle, after 5 months your baby will actively respond to a box mobile or play mat and after 8 months he loves to play 'peekaboo' with mom and dad! At 9 months building blocks will offer an interesting challenge and after 10 months he will be amazed by a mirror!
These are all special moments that you certainly want to capture with a (video) camera. Have fun!
Love, Kabrita