Diaper rash

How do you recognize diaper rash?
A diaper rash is easily recognised by the red legs of your baby with bumps in the diaper area. The bumps can be colourless, but also pink or red. Is the latter the case? Then your child may have a fungal infection. In that case, you should seek medical assistance from your doctor. In most cases, doctors prescribe a fungicidal ointment. In addition to bumps, your baby can also suffer from open wounds in the diaper zone.
What does my little one notice from diaper rash?
Your baby cannot talk yet and may express itself by crying in the event of a diaper rash. Not so strange: diaper rash burns and hurts. Your baby will notice this, especially when changing the diaper when you rub the buttocks with a cloth. Other symptoms that may be associated with diaper rash are dizziness and decreased appetite. In principle, diaper rashes are harmless but very annoying for your child.
The causes of diaper rash
Diaper rash has everything to do with a 'full' diaper that irritates the skin in the diaper zone. On average, a child pees fifteen times a day, and he also often has faeces at least once a day. These pee and poo diapers cause your baby's skin to become thinner. This is, even more, the case when your baby is wearing the diaper for too long. The enzymes and bacteria in urine and faeces act on the baby's skin and cause irritation.
Worth noting, diaper rashes can come from:
- not cleaning the buttocks thoroughly enough after pooping. Even the smallest scraps of stools can cause bacterial contamination. Prevent this by carefully cleaning your baby's buttocks with a wipe. Then pat the buttocks dry.
- do not change your baby's diaper often enough. A good benchmark is changing diapers at least eight times a day. In this way, the chance of diaper rash is the smallest. The longer the urine and faeces are in contact with the skin, the greater the chance of skin irritation and bumps.
Preventing diaper rash
It is impossible to keep your little one's bottom dry all day. But it is possible to provide your baby with a dry diaper as soon as possible. Depending on how much your baby pees, a good rule of thumb is to change the diaper for each eating moment. You should also change your baby's diaper immediately before and after sleeping. Do you notice that your baby's diaper is full faster, or has your baby pooped? Give him a clean diaper immediately. Extra tip: wait a moment before putting your baby on a clean diaper, if the weather permits. Let the buttocks air for a moment so that the skin has time to breathe and recover.
1. Clean thoroughly and allow to dry
To give diaper rash no chance, it is important to clean the skin in the diaper area thoroughly. This is possible with mild lotion wipes aa washcloth with water. Don't scoop too hard; this is painful for your child and will only aggravate the result. Allow the skin to air dry for a moment or pat the skin dry. Do not wrap a clean diaper until the skin is completely dry.
2. Grease
Care for irritated skin with a mild, oily ointment, especially for delicate baby skin. Preferably grease your baby's buttocks with every diaper change. At the pharmacy and drugstore, you can buy various butt ointments and sprays for diaper rashes. Another fatty ointment or Vaseline also works.
3. Don't wrap the diaper too tightly
A diaper should be tight but never too tight. A diaper that is too tight pinches the skin, thus will further irritate the skin. Make sure you can put a finger between the diaper and the skin comfortably.
Treat diaper rash
Your baby has diaper rash, what now? You can also apply the tips we gave for combating diaper rash to treat diaper rash. So: change regularly, thoroughly clean and dry the skin, and treat the skin with a protective ointment. There is a good chance that the diaper rash will disappear within a few days.
Have you started to get worried that the diaper rash is not diminishing? Well, worry not. Try to use another brand of diapers and other cleaning wipes. This might be the solution. Always make sure that the cleaning wipes for the buttocks are perfume and alcohol-free. Perfumed wipes can irritate the skin faster, and therefore, cause diaper rashes earlier.
Always seek medical assistance in case the diaper rash does not diminish or even worsens after a few days.
About Kabrita
Kabrita goat milk bottle feeding is a Dutch milk formula from a combination of mild goat milk with modern composites. This combination uses the latest scientific insights for quality purposes and to deliver a full-fledged milk formula containing all the important milk nutrients. Kabrita is produced in the Netherlands using locally produced Dutch goat milk.